Belly (Vivienne)

  • Amy-40-weeks
    We weren't able to get every week because of the big move, but you get the idea!

Belly (Louis)

  • Amy-39-weeks
    Every week since week 18, we've taken a picture of Amy's belly. Watch it grow!

Bonus Photos

  • Macchiato-amy
    Lots of silly kitties and baby stuff and life in Brooklyn and beyond!

Friends and Family

« Vivienne Marie, Welcome to This Boelter Family! | Main | Vivienne is 3 Weeks Old! »

November 27, 2010


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Oh so much congratulations to This Boelter Family!!! :D

PS - This blog is one of my favorites.

David Jacobs

Wonderful post, and I love the notes about Louis at the end, and I love his t-shirt too.

I always wondered why the tiny diapers had Sesame Street characters on them, because the little ones are too young to process them. But when I saw Louis browsing through going to pick a character, it was obvious that those characters are for the sibling's benefit as much as the newborn's.


What a beautiful baby, I love her little face! Louis looks so sweet as big brother. I love seeing pics of Emily with the baby too!

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You know us! We're St. Louis natives and Seattle residents Amy, Josh, Louis, and Vivienne Boelter.

This Boelter Family also includes the indefatigable Sylvie and the insatiable Macchiato!