Borgnine, my Dwarf character in Jonathan Becker's Thursday-night B/X Dungeons & Dragons game, died last night after four gaming sessions by drowning in the bowels of White Plume Mountain, while attempting to recover the magical artifact Whelm, a trident giving the bearer certain powers of Poseidon.
Oh, and this tattoo of a "Warhammer Dwarf" on deviantARTist roblfc1892's calf is pretty badass, too... (artist credited as "my friend". boo.)
Anybody seen this Facebook Tattoo guy? Apparently he is tattooing facebook on his wrists...some kind of social media project by a bunch of Estonian guys.
Posted by: Jim | 01/13/2011 at 06:34 AM
Nice tattoo
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Posted by: olivia john | 01/19/2011 at 11:37 PM
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Posted by: Lisa | 03/05/2011 at 10:40 AM
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Posted by: franky | 04/19/2011 at 02:28 PM
Is this oden...? Great job..
Posted by: Angel Tattoo Designs | 07/18/2011 at 08:47 PM